Where's the Priorities?
Linda Swanson has a good post that wonders about how the media covers animal stories vs people stories. She was thinking about the recent accident suffered by the horse Barbaro at the Preakness this past Saturday:
There has been a bulletin about Barbaro and his condition at least once an hour since he was injured. There have been interviews with horse racing experts, veterinarians, trainers, etc. Diagrams have been created showing the extent of his injuries as well as precisely how the hardware was installed to try to hold his shattered leg together.
What I am about to say is in no way meant to diminish the significance and tragedy of what happened to that beautiful, spirited animal...... But here’s where I found my thoughts going: Why is so much attention being given to this horse when there are far greater tragedies occurring......Why do we not hear bulletins every hour about the grave wounds suffered by soldiers and civilians of every nationality in Iraq and Afghanistan? Why are there not diagrams in the papers showing the anatomy of each human whose body has been battered and torn by the war..... showing how their catastrophic wounds are being treated...?
Other than completely filling the newspapers and airwaves, what else might be the effect of treating each human casualty of war with the same respect, concern, and love that is being given to Barbaro?...
Here’s my challenge to the media: treat your fellow human beings of every nationality with the same concern, care, and respect you have shown to one very special horse. Give us all the details of each injury, physical or mental.....Take us home with men and women who are returned to their families in flag-draped caskets. Take us to hospitals here or abroad and show us the heroic efforts made by dedicated medical personnel to reconstruct shattered bodies with the full details of each injury and each treatment......Show us the individuals who took their own lives after returning from war, and explore what might have led to that tragic result. Show us those who are unable to get the treatment they need. Find the homeless veterans of these wars who are cast off by their government after they outlived their usefulness.
Posted on The Human Stain
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