The Human Stain


Sunday, May 14, 2006

These Guys Know?

Was just watching a pair of Republican cocktail weenies, George Will and David Brooks on This Week with George Stephanopoulos talking about the NSA phone spying scandal. America has nothing to fear, rest easy. Brooks and Will have assured us that no privacies have been compromised and the program is legal.

Maybe I missed it – but when did these two bobble heads get their security clearances? Apparently they're higher clearances than all the members of the intelligence committees in Congress. These two mouthpieces are apparently more trustworthy than the US Department of Justice investigators who were just denied the necessary clearances needed to investigate the illegal spying.

Bush's cabal won't tell anyone about this – Will and Brooks are just foaming at the mouth.
Posted on The Human Stain


  • OOOOHHH, Will and Brooks said we're safe? Then it MUST be true... right? I mean they are only after the "bad guys" and our safety and interests are at the top of their lists.

    Sad part is, if you say something long enough, eventually, people will start to believe.

    By Blogger Cappa, at 5/14/2006 12:32 PM  

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