The Human Stain


Thursday, May 11, 2006

A Dearth of Real Men

This country was founded by men of principle, honor, reason, and integrity. Possessing brains capable of actually formulating intelligent thoughts, they devised a system of government that has been the wonder of the world for the past two centuries.

Their noble efforts are being squandered by a pea brained, tin plated moron – strutting around like some spoiled frat boy who just bagged the prom queen. As the worst disgrace to inhabit the office of United States President, Bush seems to be incapable of developing enough brainpower to comprehend the immense damage his actions are causing this nation. Surrounded by fascists, neo-cons, and crooked scoundrels, he is either too dumb to see what is going on – or he just doesn't give a damn.

There are still real men left in this country, there are still real Americans – why are they so silent? This country has to endure 2 ½ more years of this irresponsible bandy rooster. How many more people will he kill? How many more of our freedoms will he take away? How many more times will he disgrace our country and our ancestors? How much longer will our do nothing Congress let this happen? You can end it for your children – vote Democrat.
Posted on The Human Stain


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