The Human Stain


Saturday, May 13, 2006

Congressional Brownshirts

Who's protecting your privacy? Apparently no one on the Rethuglican side of the aisle in Congress. Siding with the neo-fascists in Chimpies gang seems to be their lot in life – their public pronouncements not withstanding about how enraged they were with abuses of phone record privacy.

Well isn't this interesting. Remember when I bought General Wesley Clark's cell phone records for under a $100 in order to prove that anyone's privacy could be violated?

Well, since that time there have been a number of bills in the House and Senate to address this problem. The House recently passed one bill unanimously, and a second bill was coming up in the House today. But it suddenly disappeared without a word right when the story broke about the Bush administration illegally spying on all of our phone records.

Coincidence? Not according to what Representative Markey may be hearing. He wrote to House Speaker Denny Hastert today asking what happened to the bill.....Which begs the question of whether the Republican Congress has now suddenly changed its mind on the value of protecting your phone records. The House was for it with NO DISSENTING VOTES only a few weeks ago. Now the legislation is utterly missing, and no word from the Republicans as to where it went.....

Posted on The Human Stain


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