The Human Stain


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

This is Lunacy

Just two days ago, the discovery of a case of Mad Cow Disease in Alabama exploded across the news wires. Today we hear that the buried cow is going to be dug up for analysis to determine its age. The age of the cow is extremely important as Mad Cow Disease, or BSE, is usually caught by calves eating contaminated feed. There was a case last year, kept pretty quiet, where a cow from Texas was verified to have been 12 years old. If the Alabama cow is determined to be ten plus years old, then further evidence exists to say BSE has been in the beef food chain for nearly a decade - or more. With this backdrop, it's good to know that Chimpie has shucked his loyalties to industry and is finally doing something to protect Americans:

The Agriculture Department is drawing plans to scale down its mad cow surveillance program that found two of the three U.S. cases of the disease, including one this week, two USDA officials said on Wednesday.

In addition, they said USDA would rely on private-sector incentives to inspire producers to join a separate cattle tracking system to track down suspect animals in future outbreaks of livestock diseases.

Always keeping America's safety first – just don't get in the way of Georgie and his friends making a buck.

More info here and here on the real risk to consumers.
Posted on The Human Stain


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