
Threatening Republican Senators on the Judiciary Committee with “blacklisting” if they vote against Chimpie's illegal domestic spying program, he has once again proved that this disgraceful bunch of crooks believe that political and personal gain trumps national interest and obeyance of law.
Any Senator not supporting Bush would not be able to get any White House political or financial support in their races for re-election in November. The defection of even a handful of Republican committee members could result in a determination that the president violated the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Such a determination could lead to impeachment proceedings.
One would think that the Republicans can see the danger this man represents to our country and would be seeking as much distance from him as possible. Don't Rove's threats seem like conspiracy to obstruct justice? Do the GOP members of Congress really want to be put in the position to defend why they caved to blackmail from a man who's a known-leaker and walking-threat-to-national-security? Do Republicans want to destroy freedom in America? Do Republicans really want to be seen groveling on their knees in front of a person like Rove? Are the Republicans really American patriots – or are they amoral, stupid, greedy opportunists? Do they want to leave a destroyed country to their descendants?
The truth will come out – anyone associated with a miscreant like Rove will be taking a big fall.
Posted on The Human Stain
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