Got a Real Plan?

Umm, Dem's, hate to say it – where are the actions to rebut the Republicans PR effort to promote their smoke and mirrors agenda? Where are the rebuttals? How about the policy statements? Anything going on? Have you selected people to become designated spokesmen in their ablest areas of expertise? Do you remember last year, and how you followed Bush around the country after the State of the Union speech in order to derail his disastrous Social Security scam? This year you're doing....?
Harry, Nancy, Howard – we need you. Democrats can take the opportunity to point out the fallacies, lies, payoffs, and problems with Chimpie's arguments and policy prescriptions. You need to put a plan into action now and it needs to continue until the elections. The sooner it's done, the sooner the GOP ranks will face increased scrutiny from their constituents.
Posted on The Human Stain
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