Energizer Bunny Lies

The fantasy:
“The best way to break this addiction is through technology. Since 2001, we have spent nearly 10 billion dollars to develop cleaner, cheaper, more reliable alternative energy sources – and we are on the threshold of incredible advances. So tonight, I announce the Advanced Energy Initiative – a 22-percent increase in clean-energy research at the Department of Energy, to push for breakthroughs in two vital areas. To change how we power our homes and offices, we will invest more in zero-emission coal-fired plants; revolutionary solar and wind technologies; and clean, safe nuclear energy.”
Impressive! We're on the way! Finally! Chimpie actually said we'd be reducing our addiction to foreign oil. This is good news for all of us.
The reality:
Bush is cutting the budget for the Department of Energy's alternative fuels research division by 15%, and laying off scientists working in the fields of biomass fuels, wind energy and other alternative energy source projects: The Energy Department will begin laying off researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the next week or two because of cuts to its budget.
The cuts would be concentrated among researchers in wind and biomass, which includes ethanol. Those are two of the technologies that Mr. Bush cited on Tuesday night as holding the promise to replace part of the nation's oil imports.The budget for the laboratory was cut by nearly 15 percent, to $174 million requiring the layoff of about 40 staff members out of a total of 930.
Oops. Guess that wasn't true. The budget was actually being cut before he told us it was going to be increased. Just a little Bush lying – some verbal sleight-of-hand. He's so good at it.
Posted on The Human Stain
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