The Human Stain


Sunday, February 05, 2006

Republicans Risk Their Freedoms Also

So it's put up or shut up time for Sen. Arlen Specter and the other Republican Senators on the Judiciary Committee. This is when we find out if they are mere lackeys for Georgie and the neocon fascists in his administration or if they are true AMERICANS who choose to value freedom and liberty – thereby honoring our country and those who have DIED to protect it's way of life. Bush is refusing to turn over requested documents, including pertinent legal memoranda, regarding his illegal FISA/NSA spying program.

The Constitution is more than a piece of paper, it is a living document that must be fought for every single day by those representatives whom we elect and entrust with the solemn duty to uphold our principles of democracy and liberty. Freedom is not free for the taking. Our Founders understood this and risked their lives to establish the liberties that we enjoy today. Will Republicans allow that which these patriots paid so dearly for to be cheaply sold under an illusion of temporary security? If so, then Bin Laden and all the other enemies of liberty have won.

This is your chance, gentlemen: you are either patriots or you are amoral shills for a group of thugs who destroy AMERICAN ideals in a short term pursuit of power and financial gain. Since most of you are past the age of sixty, the facts of mortality cannot be ignored and in just 25 years most of you will have passed away. Your actions now will determine if those left living – live as free men.

There is no real dilemma or quandary here. You are a co-equal branch of government, you can subpoena – do so now! There is no greater function you can perform for America than to serve as the founders intended and counter balance the unbridled power desired by the executive branch. Please, for your children's sake – do your jobs.
Posted on The Human Stain


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