It's Not America

Well Bush's budget is made of shattered glass and reflects the illness and dysfunction running through our society. There is a huge stain on America and it is spreading with the amoral, unthinking, uncaring help of Bush and the Republican herd he manages.
Chimpie's plan wants us to choose and to proclaim that we prefer war over peace, debt over solvency, enriching the wealthy over helping the poor, and enriching ourselves while impoverishing our children. This is not America's priorities, it is a budget totally misguided and blinded by special interest groups, neo-con fascists, government haters, anti-tax zealots and others of their ilk who care nothing for their fellow man, but only for their likeness reflected in the budget mirror.
The problem that Bush’s budget confronts us with today is that there is not enough money to both fight his $1+ trillion war of choice AND take care of the nation’s needs at home...... Bush cannot repudiate his own war of choice or it would impugn his entire presidency, .....So he must throw out of the lifeboat those he has been throwing out since he first took office: the middle class and the poor...... So when Bush asks the nation to fund his war of choice in Iraq.......he is literally asking us to choose war over peace, destruction abroad over development at home.
Another choice Bush wants us to embrace is the preference for debt over solvency. Bush inherited a government running large budgetary surpluses.....every year in office he has run massive deficits..... swelling it by almost $3 trillion. This means that we will pass a huge burden of debt onto our children and grandchildren, a millstone around their necks that will cripple their own economic opportunities before they even have a chance to begin their working lives.
Bush’s budget wants us to declare that we would should keep channeling ever more of the nation’s wealth to those who are already the most wealthy, and to fund it by taking money from education, the poor, the disabled, and from the impoverished elderly......Can it really be the case that the biggest problem in our country is that the super rich have too little and that everybody else has too much?
Bush's budget shames all good and decent Americans, only honoring those that believe the country is theirs to plunder. Is his vision what we value as human beings and citizens? Not in this house.
Posted on The Human Stain
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