The Human Stain


Friday, February 10, 2006

Foul Mouthed Moron

The extreme right-wing, venomous asp, Ann Coulter suggests that Islam is "a car-burning cult," and writes that Muslims have "a predilection for violence." In her column, the long limbed fire breather was commenting on the recent violence linked to cartoons in European newspapers that satirized the Prophet Muhammad.

“One [cartoon] showed Muhammad turning away suicide bombers from the gates of heaven, saying "Stop, stop -- we ran out of virgins!" -- which I believe was a commentary on Muslims' predilection for violence. Another was a cartoon of Muhammad with horns, which I believe was a commentary on Muslims' predilection for violence.”

She states in her Feb 8 column:

"Muslims are the only people who make feminists seem laid-back.”

Coulter's attacks on Muslims are nothing new.
One day after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Coulter wrote of Muslims: “We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.”

In a 2004 interview:

Q: Would you like to convert these people all to Christianity?
COULTER: The ones that we haven't killed, yes.
Q: So no one should be Muslim. They should all be Christian?
COULTER: That would be a good start, yes.

In a 2004 column:

“Like many of you, I carefully reviewed the lawsuits against the airlines in order to determine which airlines had engaged in the most egregious discrimination, so I could fly only that airline. But oddly, rather than bragging about the charges, the airlines heatedly denied discriminating against Middle Eastern passengers. What a wasted marketing opportunity!”

More insanity from Coulter:

“I think our motto should be post-9-11, 'raghead talks tough, raghead faces consequences.'”

On killing Bill Clinton -
(Responding to a question from a Catholic University student about her biggest moral or ethical dilemma) “There was one time I had a shot at Clinton. I thought 'Ann, that's not going to help your career.'”

On moderate Republicans-
“There is more dissent on a slave plantation then amongst moderates in the Republican party.”

On the Holocaust-
“Iran is soliciting cartoons on the Holocaust. So far, only Ted Rall, Garry Trudeau, and the NY Times have made submissions.”

On the Supreme Court:
“If we find out someone [referring to a terrorist] is going to attack the Supreme Court next week, can't we tell Roberts, Alito, Thomas and Scalito?”

She's real sweet no? Eva Braun looks angelic next her. A Republican party troglodyte makes racial slurs against Muslims, thinks it's funny to about talk about murdering a former president, and is amused by blowing up the Supreme Court – saving only the most conservative Justices.
Posted on The Human Stain


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