Foul Mouthed Moron

“One [cartoon] showed Muhammad turning away suicide bombers from the gates of heaven, saying "Stop, stop -- we ran out of virgins!" -- which I believe was a commentary on Muslims' predilection for violence. Another was a cartoon of Muhammad with horns, which I believe was a commentary on Muslims' predilection for violence.”
She states in her Feb 8 column:
Coulter's attacks on Muslims are nothing new.
One day after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Coulter wrote of Muslims: “We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.”
In a 2004 interview:
Q: Would you like to convert these people all to Christianity?
COULTER: The ones that we haven't killed, yes.
Q: So no one should be Muslim. They should all be Christian?
COULTER: That would be a good start, yes.
In a 2004 column:
“Like many of you, I carefully reviewed the lawsuits against the airlines in order to determine which airlines had engaged in the most egregious discrimination, so I could fly only that airline. But oddly, rather than bragging about the charges, the airlines heatedly denied discriminating against Middle Eastern passengers. What a wasted marketing opportunity!”
“I think our motto should be post-9-11, 'raghead talks tough, raghead faces consequences.'”
On killing Bill Clinton -
(Responding to a question from a Catholic University student about her biggest moral or ethical dilemma) “There was one time I had a shot at Clinton. I thought 'Ann, that's not going to help your career.'”
On moderate Republicans-
“There is more dissent on a slave plantation then amongst moderates in the Republican party.”
On the Holocaust-
“Iran is soliciting cartoons on the Holocaust. So far, only Ted Rall, Garry Trudeau, and the NY Times have made submissions.”
On the Supreme Court:
“If we find out someone [referring to a terrorist] is going to attack the Supreme Court next week, can't we tell Roberts, Alito, Thomas and Scalito?”
She's real sweet no? Eva Braun looks angelic next her. A Republican party troglodyte makes racial slurs against Muslims, thinks it's funny to about talk about murdering a former president, and is amused by blowing up the Supreme Court – saving only the most conservative Justices.
Posted on The Human Stain
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