Hanky Panky

Hmmm? Could it be Dick's got a chick? Well it's not unbelievable, history shows all despots have girlfriends, mistresses, companions - you get the idea. And remember this is a “special time” of year, they were out there just before Valentines Day. How snuggly and warm - just full of romance isn't it?
Sirius Radio's Alex Bennett came out and said what many folks in the media had been whispering about but were too timid to report: Pam Willeford, the ambassador to Switzerland and Lichtenstein who was standing at Cheney's side when the shotgun went off, could be more than his hunting partner. RJ Eskew has more: "The real story is already emerging, if you're willing to do a little digging. Cheney and Whittington went hunting with two women (not their wives) …"
Posted on The Human Stain
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