Breath of Fresh Air
From The Washington Post:
Democrats Move Leftover Spending Measure
House and Senate Democratic leaders agreed yesterday to a $463 billion spending plan for the remainder of the fiscal year that would freeze many federal agencies at 2006 levels but include more money for veterans' health, education, scientific research, HIV programs and public parks, among other things.
In an unusual move, the congressional leaders stripped the spending bill of all earmarks, or narrow, special-interest provisions. The measure had to be cobbled together now because Congress did not finish its work last year and failed to pass nine of 11 spending bills.
Four months into the current fiscal year, the federal government has been running on a temporary budget that is set to expire Feb. 15. The House is scheduled to vote on the spending package today, while the Senate will take it up in the coming weeks.........
Then there was this pitiful tidbit:
Republicans grumbled about the fact that Democrats in the House will not allow amendments to the budget and said the party in power plans to ram through a spending bill without committee hearings or meaningful debate......
Aww gee, isn't that too, too bad. Say, to all you Rethuglicans – SHUT UP! What goes around, comes around. Lube it up, you're going to get more – harder and faster.
Democrats said that they have no choice, because the previous Congress left the budget process in such disarray that they are under great pressure to quickly pass a spending bill for the remaining eight months.
"I don't expect people to love this proposal. I don't love this proposal and we probably have made some wrong choices," said House Appropriations Committee Chairman David R. Obey (D-Wis.). "But in contrast to last year's Congress, which decided to duck these choices, at least we have made them in order to bring last year's issues to a conclusion so we can turn the page and deal with next year's priorities."
Now all America needs is competence in the Executive branch.
Posted on The Human Stain
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