The Human Stain


Saturday, February 03, 2007

Space Age Weapons

Thanks to the ever increasing cozy relationship between the federal government and the burgeoning, civilian defense industry, we will soon see more supposedly “non-lethal” weapons being used by dangerous and unaccountable mercenaries. Americans are being re-assured that these weapons are only in the development stage and would only be used in combat situations. Sure, uh huh, sounds believable, okay.

The military calls its new weapon an "active denial system," but that's an understatement. It's a ray gun that shoots a beam that makes people feel as if they are about to catch fire. Apart from causing that terrifying sensation, the technology is supposed to be harmless - a non-lethal way to get enemies to drop their weapons...............

During the first media demonstration of the weapon Wednesday, airmen fired beams from a large dish antenna mounted atop a Humvee at people pretending to be rioters and acting out other scenarios that U.S. troops might encounter in war zones. The device's two-man crew located their targets through powerful lenses and fired beams from more than 500 yards away. That is nearly 17 times the range of existing non-lethal weapons, such as rubber bullets.

Anyone hit by the beam immediately jumped out of its path because of the sudden blast of heat throughout the body. While the 130-degree heat was not painful, it was intense enough to make the participants think their clothes were about to ignite.......

The weapon could be mounted aboard ships, airplanes and helicopters, and routinely used for security or anti-terrorism operations.

Now, the military says production of the unit will not really begin until 2010 and that it would be useful in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. Hmmm, so how long will we be there?

The continuing development of high tech weapons, encouraged by a US government that constantly seems to creep towards fascism and increasing alienation from it's citizens, should concern all Americans. For while assurances are being made that the weaponry will never be used here, recent violations of American liberties serve as a cruel reminder that our government needs to be closely monitored. Our rights must be continually fought for – they are not guaranteed and will always be abused by those seeking control or profit.

For more info on weapons to be feared see here.
Posted on The Human Stain


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