The Human Stain


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Neocon Pukes

One of the most reprehensible things a human being can do is to falsely encourage conflicts for other people to fight and die. Twisting false data and creating nonexistent data to enable attainment of political goals through conflict – as long as there is no personal risk, is the definition of depravity and immorality. Yet this very behavior is one that is conducted everyday in America's 'conservative' think tanks. These dishonest activities are funded by some of America's largest corporations and wealthiest individuals. But don't stop there – foreign corporations and individuals also play the game. Why do they do this – for the betterment of mankind? For world peace? Sadly, no. The activities of these 'think tanks' are directed towards the attainment, consolidation, and perpetuation of power. To say that money is a major factor just states the obvious. The existence of these institutions is not intended to better your lives as citizens but to better the lives of a selected few at your expense. Now of course, they do not want total anarchy, because that would disrupt revenue flow, but some conflict is okay if it helps to redirect the flow where it should 'rightly' go.

Excerpted from Ed Encho's post at Taylor Marsh:

With Wednesday’s prime time address, George W. Bush has just stomped down on the gas pedal for the Rapture bus by going against the advice of every sane person outside of his recently reinforced bubble. It's full speed ahead for the neocons who pursue their fever dreams while flipping the bird to Jim Baker, Poppy, the 110th Congress and approximately 80 percent of the American people. You know that something is rotten when even arch-conservatives like Ollie North and other movement big guns like George Will and David Brooks of the damned liberal New York Times are running as fast as they can in the opposite direction.........

Bush has chosen to throw in with extremist right-wing Israeli warmongers and their domestic operatives in choosing to escalate the carnage by adopting the so-called ‘surge’ that was advocated by rabid neocon fanatics. This is a lie and is only concerned with keeping the ship of fools firmly on course for a rendezvous with the iceberg of an attack on Iran.........

The two-headed monster that is McLiebercain was walking point for the escalation and has been beating the war drums by recently appearing in front of a highly enthusiastic home crowd at that fetid nest of fifth columnist neo-fascist snakes known as The American Enterprise Institute. The AEI is where much of all that is foul with the self destructive foreign and and repressivedomestic policies of the Bush junta is cooked up.......

These ideologues should be mocked and marginalized and removed from any position where their insane wet dreams of hegemony and empire are allowed to affect the American political system or influence our foreign policy. Their pathological hatred for anything remotely Islamic is not only racist at most base levels, but their tunnel vision and myopia in aligning themselves with the most extremist elements of right-wing Israelis is counterproductive; as though instigating a war of civilizations is in the best interests of either the United States or more temperate elements within Israel. Their worldview is insanity of the same sort of proportion that has triggered some of history’s most disastrous bloodbaths and resulted in the murders of millions of innocents, and that was before nukes were widely available........

Amen to that.
Posted on The Human Stain


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