The Human Stain


Saturday, January 13, 2007

It's Our Money Being Stolen

In private industry problems like this get you fired. But when they are created in the Bush Administration, they get covered up or just brushed away. After all, the crooks and cronies are still on the public gravy train. They get to pocket America's money with no penalties, Chimpie and his minions enables that.

The Department of Homeland Security underwent an audit. The audit was done by the well known firm of KPGM at the direction of Inspector General Richard Skinner.

KPMG was unable to render an opinion on DHS’s books because of “financial reporting problems at four bureaus and at the department level.” The auditors found ten material problems, two other reportable conditions, violation of eight separate laws........ FEMA was unable to fully support the accuracy and completeness of certain unpaid obligations, and accounts payable, and the related effects on net position, if any, prior to the completion of DHS’s 2006 PAR. These unpaid obligations, as reported in the accompanying DHS balance sheet as of September 30, 2006, were $22.3 Billion or 46% of DHS consolidated unexpended appropriations at September 30, 2006.

So, follow me here, FEMA has lost and/or failed to account for a sum of money that is almost half of DHS’s entire budget and 130 times great than the amount of money that the Department of Homeland Security is willing to spend to secure the homeland.

There are two scandals here folks.

The first is that DHS is still not getting it. First responders in target cities need equipment that works, and meaningful training to cope with new emergent disaster scenarios. The second is that the no bid contracts given to campaign contributors and those with the “right” K Street lobbyists at inflated prices were not enough for these mutts. They had to rub salt in the wound, by squandering what goods and services were actually delivered and stockpiling them where they could not be used, and then pour lemon juice in those salted wounds by failing to even keep track of how much money they gave to them.........

This is what you get with one party in control of all governmental branches. This is what the Republican party has become. This is what you get when thieves are given the keys to the vault. This is what you get with a rubber stamp Rethuglican Congress. This is what you get with no Congressional oversight. This is what you get with frat-boy incompetence.

What they should get is a jail cell.

Entire report here.


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