Where is the Ridicule?

"I do believe that this is a battle," the first lady said.
"Look at the very people who are involved in this. They have popped up in other settings. The great story here for anybody willing to find it, write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president," Mrs. Clinton said.
The first lady called the sex and perjury allegations swirling around her husband part of an effort "to undo the results of two elections."
Now does anyone in the media remember the scorn and ridicule that was heaped upon her after that?
The day his wife made that famous statement, she came home and asked Clinton what he thought of it. "Hillary was hooted and derided," but Clinton told her he only took issue with her use of the word "conspiracy." A conspiracy is something that happens in secret, he said. "They're not even trying to cover it up." Still, Clinton says he doesn't wake up in the morning hating Kenneth Starr. "I wake up in the morning feeling sorry for people who think they know the whole truth and that it justifies the trampling of other people."
Exposing what was really going on was the responsibility of the media..... the nation's most reputable news outlets ran with leaks from Starr's office and led their broadcasts and newspapers with sensational reporting that often relied on anonymous sources -- or none at all......prominent investigative reporters, including Newsweek's Jonathan Alter, describ(ed)ing newsroom atmospherics that demanded scintillating scandal copy even when the facts just weren't there, or didn't deserve such prominent play.
Makes one wistful for some fine reporting again doesn't it? Oh, oh – look at this.....
December 13, 2006 -- WASHINGTON - Ousted House Majority Leader Tom DeLay predicted yesterday that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton will win the presidency in 2008 - and that Barack Obama would likely be the vice president.
The Houston-area Republican insisted a vast left-wing conspiracy - comprised of liberal groups like MoveOn.org, bloggers and the mainstream media - would propel Clinton to the presidency.
"Hillary will be the next president of the United States because they have built a coalition,"......
So where is the feeding frenzy on this? Oh, I forgot – investigations regarding Rethuglicans are not allowed in America's corporate media, and besides, there is no connection to a penis or even a stained blue dress that can titillate the public.
Posted on The Human Stain
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