The Human Stain


Wednesday, December 13, 2006


America used to be a tower of strength, the big boy on the block, able to influence events by our economic power and our moral authority. It appears those days are now gone. We are captives to the desires of other , lesser countries after years of poor decisions based upon shortsighted political gains.


Who has real power over U.S. decision-making?

If you think it is the White House, or even the Congress, think again. There has been a power shift underway for years and, believe it our not, our future and fortune rest in the hands of bureaucrats on the other side of the world. Sorry folks, but our red, white and blue economy is afloat today because of help from members of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party.


The message to Bush, the defense specialist said, is that the U.S. cannot withdraw a substantial number of combat troops by early 2008, as suggested in the Iraq Study Group report, because the Iraqis will not be ready to assume control of their country.

Whatever happened to the lie that our top generals, and Bush and Condi and Rummy and Cheney, kept selling us that Iraq could be ready to stand on its own in 6 months? Now we find out from Bush's carefully orchestrated "listening tour" that in fact that Iraqis won't be ready even in another year and a half. So what do Bush's carefully selected listenees tell him? That we must STAY in Iraq EVEN LONGER. Quelle surprise!

Our “friends”

Saudi Arabia has told the Bush administration that it might provide financial backing to Iraqi Sunnis in any war against Iraq’s Shiites if the United States pulls its troops out of Iraq, according to American and Arab diplomats.

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia conveyed that message to Vice President Dick Cheney two weeks ago during Mr. Cheney’s whirlwind visit to Riyadh, the officials said. During the visit, King Abdullah also expressed strong opposition to diplomatic talks between the United States and Iran, and pushed for Washington to encourage the resumption of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, senior Bush administration officials said.

The Saudi warning reflects fears among America’s Sunni Arab allies about Iran’s rising influence in Iraq, coupled with Tehran’s nuclear ambitions. King Abdullah II of Jordan has also expressed concern about rising Shiite influence, and about the prospect that the Shiite-dominated government would use Iraqi troops against the Sunni population.

So much for American prestige – thanks to Chimpie.

Posted on The Human Stain


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