The Human Stain


Friday, December 22, 2006

The Schoolmarm Speaks

The families of America's dead, maimed, and those hoping to come home alive from Iraq can now rest easy. Condi has deemed them to be worthy investments.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told The Associated Press on Thursday that Iraq is "worth the investment" in American lives and dollars. In the AP interview, Rice was asked whether an additional $100 billion the Pentagon wants for the Iraq and Afghan wars might amount to throwing good money after bad in Iraq. The U.S. has already spent more than $350 billion on the conflict. "I don't think it's a matter of money," Rice said. "Along the way there have been plenty of markers that show that this is a country that is worth the investment, because once it emerges as a country that is a stabilizing factor you will have a very different kind of Middle East." Rice added, "I know from the point of view of not just the monetary cost but the sacrifice of American lives a lot has been sacrificed for Iraq, a lot has been invested in Iraq."

This phony war made up of lies has been worth the investment. Piles of dead bodies are worth the investment. Flag draped coffins are worth the investment. Shattered families are worth the investment. Destruction of America's image and influence is worth the investment. The dishonoring of our founders is worth the investment. The Bushies have no plan for Iraq but the results of chaos are worthy investments. Chimpie and the gang are incompetent but will now surge more 'investments' into Iraq.

What is truly amoral and immoral about the whole Bush administration is that the continued fiasco in Iraq seems to be about burnishing the chief nitwits reputation. Otherwise how will he ever be able to get his mausoleum to narcissism – the Bush Presidential Library?

Posted on The Human Stain


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