The Human Stain


Monday, July 31, 2006

It's not Enough

While the talk of impeaching a president fills the air and welcome organizing efforts are currently underway, the transgressions this incompetent administration and their acolytes have committed deserve a variety of penalties.

Should be jailed for life

George Bush
Dick Cheney
Donald Rumsfeld
Condoleeza Rice
Sen. Pat Roberts
Paul Wolfowitz
Douglas Feith
Michael Ledeen
Gen. Geoffrey Miller
Karl Rove
John Yoo

Should serve extended time

Richard Perle
William Kristol
Rush Limbaugh
Sen. John Cornyn
Sen. Mitch McConnell
Sen. Bill Frist
Spkr. Dennis Hastert
Atty. Gen. Alberto Gonzales
Gov. Jeb Bush
Porter Goss
Judy Miller
Lewis Libby
Rep. John Boehner
Rep. Bob Ney
Rep. Jerry Lewis
Red. David Dreier
Michael Chertoff
John Bolton
Gen. Ricardo Sanchez
Gen. Richard Myers
Karen Hughes
Mary Matalin
Stephen Hadley
Andrew Card
Tom Delay
Andrew Natsios

Should be publicly censured

Sen. Ted Stevens
Gen. William Boykin
Jerry Falwell
James Dobson
Rep. James Sensenbrenner
Donald Wildmon
Tony Perkins
Bush believers
Sen. James Inhofe
Sen. Tom Coburn
Sen. Sam Brownback
Rep. Henry Hyde
Rep. Katherine Harris
Rep. Jean Schmidt
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher
Rep. JD Hayworth
Rep. Tom Tancredo
Rep. Duncan Hunter
Educ. Sec'y. Margaret Spellings
Ann Coulter

Should be ignored

Bill O'Reilly
Sean Hannity
Heritage Foundation
Fox News
Sen. Arlen Specter
Sen. Joe Lieberman
Sen. Orrin Hatch
Chris Matthews
Sen. Jon Kyl
Sen. Pete Domenici
Sen. Mike DeWine
Sen. Elizabeth Dole

Should be spanked by their Mommies

George Tenet
David Brooks
Tom Friedman
Sen. Norm Coleman
Sen. Lindsey Graham
Press Sec. Tony Snow
Pat Robertson
Sen. Rick Santorum
Sen. Jeff Sessions
Tony Blankley
Brit Hume
Sen. George Allen

Posted on The Human Stain