Oh Brother!

Leave it to the Rethuglicans for coming up with this insult. Wasn't Sen. Bill Frist supposed to be somewhat educated? The AMA should really revoke his license – peabrains shouldn't be practicing medicine.
Most American taxpayers would get $100 rebate checks to offset the pain of higher pump prices for gasoline, under an amendment Senate Republicans hope to bring to a vote Thursday.
"Our plan would give taxpayers a hundred dollar gas tax holiday rebate check to help ease the pain that they're feeling at the pump," Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist announced Thursday. "It also includes strong federal anti-price gouging protection to protect consumers against anti-competitive behavior by oil companies or other suppliers of gasoline. Our free market system works, but it works best when there's full accountability and full transparency."
Uh-huh. Sure. That'll really help. I just spent $43 to fill up my car, which gets ~30mpg. This will last me one week. That $100 bucks would help A WHOLE LOT! And does he really think ANYONE believes that Bush and his Republican stooges give a shit about protecting 'consumers'?
Note to Frist – don't insult America with your harebrained, idiotic, and really contemptuous ideas. Solve the real problem. Do your job and develop a valid, realistic, long term energy PLAN that enables America to cut oil dependency by 50% in 10 years. Then we'll listen. You guys are really history – you just don't want to see it.
Posted on The Human Stain
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