Who are the Blog Readers?

Note to big media – this effectively kills your disdain for bloggers. They are not kids - they are not teenagers. Pay attention, you may find out something useful about how your attitudes, actions, and pre-conceived notions are a huge dis-service to the politically active, voting citizenry of America.
61% are aged 31-60, 27% are 41-50 years old
72% are male
66% make $60,000/yr or more
78% have college or post graduate degrees
68% are Democrat or Independent
90% talk/email each week about politics with up to 20 friends
most read online newspapers
37% feel television is worthless and 2% extremely useful for news and opinion
1% feel blogs are worthless and 58% extremely useful for news and opinion
80% read up to 10 blogs daily
18% have their own blogs
Why do these people read blogs?
Faster news 66%Better perspective 80%
More honesty 68%
News not found elsewhere 84%
Posted on The Human Stain
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