No more doormats?

While the American public pushes Chimpie into oblivion by seeing his “credibility” torn to shreds, the Bush grovelers in Congress are getting scared. Trumpeting their new found independence by “rearing up and asserting” themselves, they want Americans to believe their actions are motivated by concern for America and their constituents.
Don't be fooled. There are not many – if any Republicans in this Congress that deserve to be re-elected after this sickening Iraqi fiasco. They have acted servilely to a mean, corrupt, and un-American group of far right extremists and religio-fascists. Totally abdicating their sworn responsibility to America, they need to be kicked out of office for good. Vote in 2006 and 2008!
posted on The Human Stain

While the American public pushes Chimpie into oblivion by seeing his “credibility” torn to shreds, the Bush grovelers in Congress are getting scared. Trumpeting their new found independence by “rearing up and asserting” themselves, they want Americans to believe their actions are motivated by concern for America and their constituents.
Don't be fooled. There are not many – if any Republicans in this Congress that deserve to be re-elected after this sickening Iraqi fiasco. They have acted servilely to a mean, corrupt, and un-American group of far right extremists and religio-fascists. Totally abdicating their sworn responsibility to America, they need to be kicked out of office for good. Vote in 2006 and 2008!
posted on The Human Stain
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