The Human Stain


Thursday, November 17, 2005

Disgraceful idiot

Human beings have brains with an average weight of about 3 pounds. Bush just seems to continuously baffle people - it appears his brain is incredibly smaller than normal. Frantic to find someone who will support his wrongheaded and dangerous policies, he is now appealing to the Russians for support. This is a strange twist as for the last couple of years, we have been in a mini Cold Freeze with Russia. My how things change when you lose face with the American public and the worldwide community - allies such as Italy, Britain, and Poland are bailing from Iraq.

The rising tide of truth and righteousness in America is really getting to him as his tone is increasingly defensive, strident , and thickheaded. Stating that it was "patriotic as heck to disagree with the president." he also adds "What bothers me is when people are irresponsibly using their positions and playing politics. That's exactly what is taking place in America."

Use of his God given brain would reveal that the one really playing politics with people's lives is HIM. He hides behind the skirts of soldiers along with the other chicken-hawks in his cult. HE has irresponsibly used his position by treating American sons and daughters as throwaways so he could play cowboy and “be a war President” to better Daddy Bush.

Thats exactly what is taking place in America – not what his empty head creates for fantasies.
posted on The Human Stain


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