The Human Stain


Monday, December 26, 2005

How Others See Us

There once was a time when viewpoints like these would be laughable.

Mexico (La Jornada): “The president of the United States, George W. Bush, is a consummate liar. During all of his time as Commander in Chief, he has deceived the American people and the world.....a poisonous propaganda campaign promoted by the group of murderous, psychopathic fundamentalists that surround him (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Ashcroft, Ridge, Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Bolton), is designed to fabricate an internal consensus to invade and destroy Iraq, take control of their oil, get rich from the reconstruction, and..... For this reason, before starting the neo-con wars of aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq, the media was manipulated.......”

Saudi Arabia (Arab News): “In the event the fallen dictator yesterday cleverly protested that he had been tortured and beaten by the Americans and dismissed their denial that any such thing had happened as being as much as a lie as all the pre-invasion intelligence. It really does not matter that Saddam is a ruthless politician.....The fact is that his charges about his own abuse bear consideration, simply because the Americans have been so economical with the truth throughout their Iraqi involvement.”

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