Congressional balls?
Citizens need to believe that Congress is awakening from its deep sleep and may actually be performing work of benefit to the country, not just for special interests. Encouraging as it is to see them proposing legislation to curb the egregious surveillance acts made possible by the flawed Patriot Act, one still has to wonder about the motives.
Is Congress developing a spine due to true concern over the direction this country is headed, or are the members just rats jumping a sinking ship? The nation would be very ill-served with the latter option being truth.
Posted on the Human Stain
Citizens need to believe that Congress is awakening from its deep sleep and may actually be performing work of benefit to the country, not just for special interests. Encouraging as it is to see them proposing legislation to curb the egregious surveillance acts made possible by the flawed Patriot Act, one still has to wonder about the motives.
Is Congress developing a spine due to true concern over the direction this country is headed, or are the members just rats jumping a sinking ship? The nation would be very ill-served with the latter option being truth.
Posted on the Human Stain
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