The Human Stain


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Building failures

The US Inspector General for Iraq has detailed the “violence, corruption, and mismanagement” afflicting the “reconstruction” of Iraq. According to Stuart Bowen, the special inspector general, "the ambitious US reconstruction effort in Iraq is likely to fall far short of its goals because soaring security costs and poor management have slashed the amount of American money available for rebuilding projects." The report goes on to state the US has "no comprehensive policy or regulatory guidelines... that are magnified by an overall lack of coordination and planning between the State and Defense departments.

Reiterating again the well known failures of the Georgie and his play mates to have a PLAN for rebuilding Iraq, the inspector general says "The lack of co-operation" in identifying qualified personnel well before the invasion "significantly hampered the early management of Iraq reconstruction."

Cronyism, fraud, thievery – your tax dollars at work.
posted on The Human Stain


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